
Shoving is a distress characterized by a longitudinal displacement of a portion of the upper pavement surface. Pavements experiencing shoving have a “wrinkled” appearance and may also present a vertical displacement.

Shoving is produced through the mechanical interaction of vehicle tires and the pavement surface and most often occurs in hills, curves, and intersections, where vehicle breaking and acceleration are most significant.

Shoving is of importance as it can impact roughness and, if severe enough, contribute to loss of driver control.

As part of its rutting processing module, Pavemetrics® Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS®-2) also detects the presence of shoving in the left and right wheel paths. Height, width, depth and position are reported in XML for each instance of shoving.


D5340; Can be used for airport condition index surveys
D6433; Can be used for Roads and parking lot pavement condition index surveys


Distress Indentification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (Shoving)