Curb and Edge Drop-off
This module is responsible for the detection of both edge drop-off and curbs.
Drop-off, also known as edge drop-off, is characterized by a difference in height between the paved surface of a road and an adjacent soft (gravel or dirt) shoulder. This condition can be produced following resurfacing operations and/or as a result of heavy rains.
Drop-off can create a dangerous condition for drivers as wheels which approach the edge of the pavement can easily slip off onto the lower shoulder puling the vehicle off of the road. As well, unsupported edge of pavement can contribute to the formation of edge cracking. Thus detection of drop-off can aid both public safety and help prolong the life of roadways.
Curbs are an important feature of urban roadways which both contribute to pedestrian safety as well as help to channel runoff to storm water facilities. Curbs are an important investment for municipalities and require inventory for their proper management.
Pavemetrics® Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS®-2) can assist with these inspection tasks by automatically detecting both drop-off and the presence of curbs.
Drop-off can be detected on both sides of the roadway, using a user-defined threshold and a user-defined evaluation interval (distance along the roadway). Locations with drop-off that exceeds the defined threshold are reported in XML data along with a variety of images showing the area as highlighted.
Locations with curbs are also reported in the XML data along with a variety of images showing curb position as highlighted.
PP68; Can collect images of pavement surfaces
D6433; Can be used for Roads and parking lot pavement condition index surveys